Many of the organizations funded by these line items have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring no lapses in service delivery, continuing to serve hard to reach populations, and maintaining the infrastructure that the COVID-19 response has relied upon.
HIV programs serve as an important network for the COVID response: front line staff have been contact tracing, connecting people to testing, and ensuring that COVID vaccines get into the arms of vulnerable populations, along with still delivering all their original programs and services in new, COVID-safe ways.
These programs need more funding in order to address a growing HIV outbreak (DPH BPHC HIV advisory) in the context of COVID, continue outreach on foot, test hard to reach folx, make sure people have access to HIV treatment, and ensure that people living with HIV (PLWH) stay engaged in care.
Please support level funding
HIV/AIDS/HCV Line Item (DPH 4512-0103) at $32.8M
Harm Reduction Line Item (DPH 4512-0206) at $4.7M
For more information: [email protected] or (617) 797-8488
Download our FY2022 Project ABLE Budget Request Fact Sheet (PDF)
For more information, contact at [email protected] or call 617.797.8488
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